Sunday, January 21, 2007

Yet another week?

Gosh, the last few days had been zipping by faster than Justin rushing to fetch Xin Xin home on a late's already Sunday evening, and Monday's dawning on me yet again. I must say that it has not been a very productive week, what with the gaming marathons that we've had (cafe again next week? you bet I'll give you the cold shoulder :D). Yes Simon, I see your point. Homework's catching up with me (actually I'm already left behind by finish all the work on my hands right now would take at least 3 days of holiday). If anything, I should be quaking in my boots and start doing all-night study sessions up until I finish STPM. I should. But obviously I'm not.

To a certain extent I have to admit that I'm lazy. I'm unmotivated, easily bored, slow to think and have a much higher affinity for computers than my textbooks. But an interesting observation I made was last Friday when my english teacher asked to write on the topic "Education: What it means to me." To almost all my friends, it was very difficult topic. "Ei brother, what to write lah? What stupid title.." I don't know if they really meant it but it seemed to me as though education is nothing to them. Nothing but textbooks and exams. I was kinda annoyed, to say the least. Is this really what the Malaysian education system has churned out? Students who have no regard whatsoever of what they had been in pursuit of day and night every single day right up until now?


Do pardon the somewhat harsh opinions though, I don't wish to offend anyone actually. Let me put some smileys to brighten up the mood again:
:D :D :D :D :D
There. Well, moving back to the point, I just wish that one day we'd be given the chance to pursue knowledge for what it is, to study and think so that we may genuinely learn. To be educated in the purest manner, whereby there is a real appreciation of all the hard work and effort put in by the great scientists and thinkers of our forefathers' times. But enough talk, I've got some homework to battle. If only I could strap the maths textbook onto a rocket and launch it into oblivion.....bah. But before I go, here's an amusing pic of our fellow noodle shop owner :D

Hmm..might as well put this up also then xD Beware the evils of webcams!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

I Yan Nees of life

At times, I wish that I have the ability to read people's minds. No no, I'm not under the influence of Justice League drunkenness, mind you. But rather, I just find it dumbfounding that human thoughts are so unpredictable. So hard to perceive and probe. What goes on in our minds is what goes on in our minds I suppose, our mental sanctuary where we process the thoughts that can get through to others and the things that can't possibly be known by others. If you think you know a person, think again.

I've had more than my fair share of surprises, one of which involved this sweet demure girl that used to be my classmate three or four years ago. She was polite and soft-spoken, and after our PMR we met again while taking our certificates from the school. The staff somehow managed to switch our certificates, so I ended up with her cert and she with mine. She was to leave for some place in an hour or so, so she called me up. I was at the coffeeshop and I don't clearly recall what I had said to her or likewise but she ended up scolding me like I just ran over her father and mother in a mercedes. It was really scary how she expressed her disagreement with the whole certificates issue, and we parted ways as enemies..sort of. Well, I had wanted to make-up and forget about the matter but at that time it didn't seem like an option at all to her.

Which brings me to this particular episode of Justice League where Jon Jonzz (hope I spelled it right) accidentally 'opened' his psychic channels too strongly, enabling him to listen in on all the thoughts of people around him but without the means to stop it. At the city, he was overwhelmed by all the blatant lies, angry remarks and negative thoughts that flooded his mind from those living in the city. He flew away to a forest, hemmed in by the how selfish, arrogant and self-righteous the very people that he risks his life to protect are. He was disappointed, to say the least.

But a search party that happened to be nearby looking for someone's lost daughter in the forests during that night gave Jon a new insight. He heard self-sacrificing, kind and truly sincere thoughts from some of those in the search party. "It's freezing cold out here, and I don't even know the girl! But I know how it feels like if I were to lose my kids.."."I've got to find matter what. Come on, where are you (girl's name).......".

I was really surprised that what I previously thought was just a Saturday morning cartoon would have such a deep, resounding theme of the vagaries of the human heart. I cannot imagine myself having mind reading powers, because I fear I end up knowing more than I need to.. I guess everyone needs to have a certain degree of privacy, without which we would be stripped of the freedom of sharing only what we feel like sharing with others. I wonder how God does it, with all the six billion souls that he can readily tap into anytime, anyday to listen in on.....

Monday, January 01, 2007

Fun For Five

Just a day shy of the new school term's beginning, I found myself in the company of several brothers-in-arms. Yes, there we were, Jon Justin Simon Rudy and me myself in the cybercafe at SS15 called Autosurf blasting the pixels off each other like some wild cavemen. It's been awhile since we actually came together to have some clean, mindless fun. In fact, I believe this is the first time we had our cafe hangout session, on the first day of the year somemore. It was five dollars for 3 hours, hence the aptly-named title :D Alvin was also there to join in the fun and boy, was it a fragfest or what..

Being the lousy-shot that I am, Counter-Strike proved to be a low-fun/high-tension game as we battled strangers who sat opposite us. But when everyone's had enough of CS, we still had like some 30 minutes of playing time left. So Justin made a wise (yup,very wise) suggestion that we play Half-Life and it couldn't have been any better. The fun level shot through the roof :D Everyone was literally going bananas over the missiles and crossbow fires all over the place, dodging a rocket from the front only to be sniped from the roof by Justin XD Either that or Jon would chase people like those pesky credit card salesmen wielding his trusty crowbar, totally bonkers!

It was the longest half an hour that we've played, and by the time the our time was up, we wouldn't have minded playing on if not for the fact that it was already very late..oh well, can't wait for the next shoot-out session!! On the side note, I've been scanning almost every single thing that I could get my grubby hands on, and here's a very nice piece of farewell note that I got from three kind souls :D

Thanks a lot for the paper tissue note, Kat Dora and Christina! You have no idea how many times I've read it while at the camp, haha. But here's one just for memory's sake: