Saturday, September 26, 2009


Ask me which month of the year is my favourite, and...well, you probably wouldn't ask me such a question in the first place because there's only really one answer :)

If you've ever wondered about the famous historical figures who were born in September, then here's a quick list of them: Justina Lee, Kee Ken Fong, Simon Sim, Kee Ken's Mum, Kat Tan and...the names just keep rolling.

Okay, so maybe I'm not that great a person yet to be considered famous and historical. But the rest of them would definitely be somebody in the future, trust me.

Sometimes I wonder if birthdays were just another convenient excuse for us to celebrate and buy something for one another. If you ask me, my birthday wasn't any different from the other days of the year. The moon came up as usual, the sun was still yellow, 24-hours still weren't enough for me....same ol' same ol'. But beyond that conventional consumerist thinking, I appreciate being that little bit more special for a day. I appreciate every gesture and present, every wall post and personal wish.

Alas, it is always harder to show genuine appreciation than to buy an expensive present for someone. So in case you're wondering, then yes, I appreciate it very much, thank you :)

What more could I ask for? It's Cyclops! Glowing eyes would've been uber-cool, but I guess I don't need a hole in my roof just yet.

An empty Baskin-Robbins cup! Well, it wasn't empty when I got it of course, but that 'problem' was easily rectified in 2 minutes ;)

And the picture at the top of this post? By their powers combined, THIS is what they materialize into, tada~. I didn't use the mug yet though, so I'll try again sometime. Thanks for all the presents and meals and wishes people! (^.^)v

Friday, September 11, 2009

For Simon

Don't know if they've released it in NZ yet, Mr. Sim, but here's a shot of the game that I just happily squandered two whole hours on xD

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Amidst all the brouhaha of the blogs (the three blogs that I read) suddenly firing up again after an unexpected burst-forth-from-the-ground moment from Sim's Xanga page, I found myself in the middle of the blogging scene again. Funny how I literally 'think the world' of just these three people :)

Which is why it's 1 a.m. now, and I'm not asleep yet but instead in this blogspot post editor.

A lot of things that didn't make it to the posting page such as the travel-cations I had a month back probably never would I guess. Langkawi and Perhentian was great though, I certainly found the vacations to be a wonderful experience.

But I'm hoping that I would have more time to sit down and write some meatier stuff in the future. Not that I was any good a writer to begin with, but I think I can still come up with the occasional good post or two. Or at least I hope so :)

Bloom, ye dead blogs, bloom!