Sunday, July 20, 2008

Less Of Me

Sell fish. Take away the one letter, put them together and you have one universal trait that applies to all of us. Selfish.

Nature dictates that we be selfish, because it ensures our survival as a species. I don't suppose our cave-dwelling ancestors would've done very well if they always thought of feeding other animals first. Hence we're all born with the instinct to look out for ourselves.

But that's different.

The kind of selfishness that I find myself entangled in is just so wrong, no matter how I look at it.

Me first, me first, me first. I deserve it. I need it. I must get it.

There's never enough, and I always feel that I'm at the losing end of things, like I'm some sort of get-rich-quick scam victim. It's almost as if there's this big wooden Irish-bar kind of door that slams shut whenever I wanna forgo satisfying my own wants and whims first and see if there's anyone else whom I can do something for.

It's scary.

I have to constantly remind myself to bear less of me, and more of others. I came to realize not too long ago that selfishness comes at the expense of those around you, and perhaps that's how sin affects those around us. Most of the time it's not very noticeable but I'm very sure that somehow someway I've wronged each and every one of you at some point in time, whether directly or indirectly.

"You can't touch the water without making a ripple."

Good guys finish last, we all know. But if everyone's good, then can't we all finish together?

And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle,
encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong,
but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.

1 Thessalonians 5: 14-15

It's hard, but I'll try...

Sunday, July 13, 2008


I love receiving letters, honestly :)

Every now and then, a letter pops up in my mailbox, and it never fails to light up my day. Thank you very much to the few of you who do take the trouble to send me letters, be it for minor or thoughtful matters.

And yes, I got another one (^.^)

Now here's something that has totally slipped my mind. A relic from RBS, a piece of the Shirtliff mission team that we forged together up there half a year ago. In typical Ann Sue fashion, she sent three photos and scribbled on a piece of foolscap paper with her 'tiny handwriting' but surprise surprise, something else fell out of the envelope.

Along with the photos came attached a nice yellow card...

Don't think we could have said it any better.

But really, thanks a lot Miss Ong for the photos and the wonderful reminder of this 'vision' that we sought to achieve. I shall see to it that the favours are returned in kind some day ;D

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Coming Soon

I've been wanting to update in the past couple of days, but just never found the time to sit down to do so...but rest assured it's coming! :D

It has something to do with these doughnuts... I think xD