Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Help, MSN is Gonna Charge You Money.

Just today, I got this urgent-sounding email from Tara and John who are supposedly the directors of MSN. That made me feel somewhat important, and since this one was linked to a real piece of news in the BBC website, it's gotta be *cough* real *cough*, I thought. All the 4000+ similar emails I received in he past certainly sounded dubious in comparison to this one.

This is Tara and John, the directors of MSN. We would like to sincerely apologize for the interruption, but msn is closing down. We know many of these messages have been sent out lately, and that they wouldn't be true. However, this one is in fact true, and it will occur soon.

MSN will begin to charge you money soon. This is due to the fact that too many inconsiderate people are taking up all the names (ie. making up lots of different accounts for just one person). Therefore, we only have 578 names left. If you would like to close your account, DO NOT SEND THIS MESSAGE ON. We would not reccommend this, because if in the future you'd like to use MSN, and you don't send this message on, you will be CHARGED to use MSN monthly. If you would like to keep your account, then SEND THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE ON YOUR CONTACT LIST. As we said this before, this is no joke, and we will be shutting down the servers. Please send it on. We do not want to be receiving phone calls stating that your MSN will not open, or that you are being charged for using it - because this will be your fauly for not sending it on. The estimated cost for MSN monthly will be about ten dollars CAN.


ATTENTION. In case you believed this is yet another of those 'prank' MSN shut down emails, go to:

http://news. 1/hi/business/ 1189119.stm

Once you've sent this message to at least 18 contacts, your msn icon will become blue.

Tara and John
(Directors and Operators of, Hotmail, Windows Live Hotmail, etc)

A lot of nice emails get forwarded around, and I know some of you make it a point to read every single forwarded email so that you can share the great pictures, stories and jokes with others. But I've never been too fond of pointless emails like the one above. If this was meant as a joke, then kudos to those who started the chain for wasting people's time, money and electricity around the world.

Anyway, I better forwarding the email so that I can continue using MSN when Tara and John finally decide to begin charging us. Otherwise, my face might turn blue when I find out that my account's been closed :P

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