Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Streamyx Can Do Better

Currently paying about RM 80 every single month to the ONLY landline broadband provider around (I think), it is disappointing that I am stuck with a tricycle's equivalent of Internet speed almost every night..and afternoon, and evenings too. And sometimes mor....ah, sorry, I meant to say ALL THE TIME!!

I know many third-world countries don't have Internet access yet even. I know we are lucky to have such a kind Internet Service Provider who doesn't go after the pirates. I know we shouldn't compare, and instead count our bountiful telecommunication blessings, that we don't have to travel 10 miles to the nearest post office just to send a telegram (which is still being used, apparently).

But this is just sad.

What Streamyx is doing now is akin to trying to simultaneously water 5 different gardens all at once using just one thin pipe, so to speak. The end result is of course every garden getting only an IOTA (very very small amount) of water, and the plants are just happily wilting away. I know I'm wilting away here trying to download a perfectly legal file from overseas servers. Pretty sure I'd make better progress trying to figure out the secrets to time traveling...

Surely the behemoth of telecommunications in Malaysia can stretch its muscles a bit more and try to provide better service for us wanting citizens...personally, I'm just sick of big government-backed corporations like Telekom becoming overly complacent with itself, merrily lazing around and putting the nation's resources to waste.

At present, I get the impression that as customers who contribute to their war chests, we're being treated more like liabilities. It's almost as if we're being a burden to them. Oh poor Streamyx, it's internet lines are so congested by us free-loading good-for-nothing consumers. I hope they're not too exhausted from trying to provide decent Internet access to the lowlies and insignificants like us.

Come on Telekom, you can do better than this.


Shaun said...

oh, pity u...here we have like, a few internet providers??hehe...yeah, i know the problem with streamyx...nothing beats my case k??so don't complain...=P

Rudi said...

Well, look at it this way. Streamyx is slow for pretty much everyone. The biggest reason for this is the level of pipe saturation used by illicit downloaders, which includes most of us reading this blog.

Now, here's the question: should the folks who use the Internet for normal browsing suffer such a serious speed penalty because of the people who illegally download stuff, like you?

Those who pay the same RM80 a month are basically paying you a chunk of that RM80 to subsidise your illegal activities, and they have nothing to show for it. The internet is slow for them as well, and it's partly your fault.

If everyone stopped with the illegal nonsense, the net would be a lot faster for all of us.

Not very right, is it? Still complaining? ;)

Unknown said...

And I guess, would you be willing to pay more for greater speeds for a "illegal-only-package"?

Nope, well then, still complaining?

I pay this, in effect. To the tune of nearly RM700 a month for broadband that actually gives me the advertised speed.

Sorry la - I don't mean this to be an attack. I just get tired of the culprits pointing fingers at TMNet when they are the largest single cause of the problems. Yes, TMNet has their own issues, but surely improvement needs to start with oneself. Else, it's just plain hypocritical.

Kee Ken said...

Shaun: Well your case is special lah, no explanation till today, haha.

Rudi: Nah, no offense taken :P
But the illegal mumbo-jumbo aside, I just think that Streamyx is stretching its net too thin just so to cover more areas and get more customers. It's one thing to have downloading activities choking up the lines, but my area is just too congested.

At night, when everyone's presumably Facebooking all at the same time, my line quality drops to just 4+ in the SNR reading, which renders loading even simple webpages an awfully difficult chore >.<

I for one would rather Streamyx introduce a greater range (0.1Mb, 0.3Mb, 0.5Mb etc)of speeds and prices, and make the speeds more consistent instead. That way, no one would have to pay RM 80 just to surf the net.No point having a 1Mb line that you share 0.9Mb with everyone else, since that's not 'fair', so to speak :)

I mostly complained because I still have hope in Streamyx as the national ISP and feel that it shouldn't have to put up with the overwhelming public dissent.

They can do better :D

sca1lywag said...

try wimax. i think only rm99 a mth. solves the illegal download thingy with a cap on 20 gb. that should be enough for a month i hope?

Rudi said...

Hehe I'm capable of getting 700GB a month if I wanted to, on-demand. But I average around 150GB a month. Not that I download a lot of stuff; it's more that I can download larger versions (e.g. I'll get an 11GB Blu-Ray HD rip of a film rather than the 700MB XviD version).

But I'm paying for it I guess!

Kee Ken said...

P1 signals vary though, I think my house gets pretty weak signals only xD But P1 also uses shared bandwidth right?

I guess you get what you pay for, haha.