Tuesday, July 07, 2009


We have blogs, and we have twitter. And perhaps, the next social-communication breakthrough is just around the corner. But I'd like to think that our most basic desire to have face-to-face communications will probably not ever diminish. Static texts on the computer screen don't tell us half the story that could otherwise be gleaned from things like tone of voice, facial expressions, body language and all the various non-verbal cues that allow us to say so little and yet mean so much.

Which would explain why the Tanjong Mamak Bistro near my house had been jam-packed full of people the last few times I went there.

Don't know why I'm posting about this though. Maybe it's because....I'm wishing there's someone who is intimately familiar with all my thoughts, all my wants, my hurts and needs and failures that I could just chat the night away with.

Nah, not a girlfriend.

Just sort of imagining God in person doing some pillow talk with me :)

What a random post.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Aww Ken.. I'm sure deep down everyone wants a friend like that. :)