Thursday, December 21, 2006

There and back again

It sure has been a long while since I last updated. More than 2 weeks, to count roughly. Before anyone would like to advertise my laziness as a blogger :D, let me just clarify. It all happened like this...

It was the 12th of Dec. Camp had just been over, and I was really reluctant to have to go back to work. Camp was just 'ohsem', to borrow from 'ohsem' that I really came back having learned something. Not that I came back from the previous camps not having learned a single thing, but rather I was able to 'integrate' what I learned this time around. Everyone mentioned on the last day that the moment we get back home, we would be turning on our MSNs, e-mails and what-nots. It couldn't have been more true for me: I was waiting to do just that.

So there I was, sitting in front of my computer. Pushed the button. Beep. Yeah, MSN here I come. Hey? What the? Boot error? What? WHAT?!?!

To explain the full extent of my predicament, it was akin to a businessman who returns home from a short break to find that a tsunami has wiped out his business, and all his properties. I was a digital pauper for the next two weeks, my hard drives had to be scrubbed and all my files were flushed down the drain. My pictures! My songs! My videos! Mind you I lost an entire 12 GB of Justice was just awful. But if you're like Hannah, then you'd probably think that it's no biggie. Just a few files right? Can always get them again wan :D It's okay, the whole point of this story is actually not so much with what I lost, but rather what I gained...................

Having lost my computer to the all-too-common machanical failure, and my TMnet to human error and inefficiency, I suddenly had a whole lot of free time to myself. I work the morning shift and on average I get back home by 5 or 6 in the evening, during which my mom and sis would be handling the night shift. Which means I'm left alone at home for the whole second half of the day. With the main distraction out of the way, I did what I thought I could do: my quiet times.

I really appreciate how God had it all planned out for me, the peace and quiet, and the absence of a major stumbling block when it came to doing quiet times (the computer), and the pretty stressful days that I had been through in the last few days gave me the impetus to seek God all the more earnestly. I did. I really did. And blessed they were my quiet times, so fulfilling, so satiating that I could not ask for more. When I finally got my PC and my Internet back, which is today, I started to go crazy trying to maintain my computer. Again. Trying hard to find a program to do something, then followed by searching for updates and then CD keys and all the never-ending computer chores that had been sucking my energy dry for so long kept me occupied for a while.

It was so different. Between doing quiet time and using the PC, my mind encourages me to play the computer but deep inside I wanted to spend just a little bit more time doing my quiet time, hoping that God would speak to me in one way or another. I compared my quiet time 'after-effects' in the last two three days with that of using the computer for an hour and what a difference it was! I clearly see now that God never stopped doing what He does best: bringing us closer to him each and every day, so long as we obey Him. So blessed I had been in the last few days of my walk with God, that I only wish to pass it on to someone else. But I shall first go to sleep, I have to get to work in 7 hours from now :D Have a great Christmas then!

1 comment:

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