Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Google Adsense? Hm....

LOOKS like I finally decided to put up my own blog, after taking a hiatus from blogging since my early days of playing with MSN's MySpace (not the US one). Of course,I noticed that there is an option to put AdSense into to the blog, so I'll use this to see if it actually works. I'll come back to you guys once I start making a hundred dollars or more a week, heheh :D Here's a toast to the opening of my blog! Ehmmm...that's a good-looking toast dressed in marmalade.

For those of you who has no idea whose blog this is, you can take a look this camp photo (2nd from left)

Here's a recap on the interesting events that happened to me recently...
(a) I had been to an inter-church Bible Quiz and as a member of the floor team (all the five churches that took part had four people on stage and several people off the stage doing separate but similar tasks), I was the one who scored all the points....NOLAH!!!! Haha, kidding kidding...everyone did a great job but too bad my church only got second-place.

The winning team was pretty good, but I think most of us (my teammates)
were pretty mystified as to how they could actually win when in the beginning they had difficulty answering a REALLLLLYY simple question. In layman's terms, it would've sounded like "What is the other name for football in America?" or something like that...BUT, I guess they had a good floor team and with all due respect, I think they deserved to win the quizlah in the end.

For them, they were merely the defending the title that they've been holding for the past two years but for my church, I think the whole magic of it lies in the fact that (well, magic for those of us in the quiz team lah at least) we all worked really hard for the quiz and the second-placing (compared to the previous year's bottom ranking) was really just God patting us on our backs saying well done. Winning wasn't important, as I learned a lot from the book that we studied , 1 Timothy and while on the way home after the quiz was over, the warm and beautiful sunset ended my first Bible Quiz experience on a high and positive note.

(b) Yeah, the World Cup is finally over and boy am I glad or what. Not that I didn't like it but I just thought that the adverts that they had been putting on TV, on the radio, in mamak stalls and practically every nook and corner of available marketing space were starting to get on my nerves. I mean,come on lah, I can only hear the "FOOTBALL MAD NATION, RULLLLLED BY CELCOM!!!!!!!!!!" shouts on the TV so often before I feel like giving those advertising people over at Celcom a piece of my mind.

The most ironic thing is that I was at my cousin's house to catch the uber-late night live match of the Finals (Darn the FIFA members, can't they have it somewhere nearer to Malaysia?) and guess what, I fell asleep through the first seven minutes of the game and brilliantly missed the first goal. Fine, so I sat up and mustered whatever mental energy I had left in me to watch for the next 40 minutes or so until the half-time break. No goals. WHAT?!! Gah, at that point my eyes weren't there anymore...they had taken a holiday and so with scarcely any idea of what happened in the second half, I suddenly awoke in the morning to find everyone sleeping in the hall. The match was..over. And I don't even remember falling asleep in the first place.

So much for the cup..give me a Pixar animation any day lah, World Cup was never in my genetic code and probably won't be. But I liked the hype in some ways lah, in a sense that it's a 'once every four years' thing. Sure livened up the year and I'd look forward to 2010 to watch it again I guess.

1 comment:

Justin Currynoodles Lee said...

Haha.. Hey Ken. New blog eh? =D Hope you update this one frequently ya!!

I bought Winning Eleven 10 already!! lol