Monday, August 07, 2006

Updating ain't easy...

While I really enjoyed the fact that some of you enjoyed reading my posts, I find that blogging has somewhat become a chore for me. Suddenly, I felt like I have 'fans' to answer to,so to speak. And this is just so different than when i first started blogging, when I blogged more for my own enjoyment. Now every post seems like it needs to be trimmed and edited to suit public tastes...but then again, maybe it's just me :D

Just want to say that I might seem like I take forever to blog but that's because I need to do research for the topics. Sure, I can hentam but the upcoming topic of my blog takes quite a bit of initaitive to pull off nicely. You'll know when I finally post it, or if you can't wait then you can ask Justin,haha. As I'm kinda busy this week (St. John's exam coming soon, this Saturday) I might not be able to post anymore this week but I'll do my best. Over and out guys!


Akira said...

man,fans...haha:Dreferrin' to me ke?:Dur grammar so good,of course lor:Dain't easy but try:D,hehe

Justin Currynoodles Lee said...

faster update la. your fans waiting. lol =D

Kee Ken said...

I suddenly feel very important :D