Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The mail from God

Today, a mail came in for me. "Ah ha, did I win a contest?", I wondered gleefully. But when I glanced at the letter, I was disappointed. It was one of those newsletters from India. For those of you who didn't know, I am the Secretary Treasurer of my church's youth group and we sponsor two children around the world, one in Lebanon and one in India. The organisation in India handling the sponsorship program, CMCT (Christian Missionary Charitable Trust i think) mails newsletters to sponsors like me (well, I represent the youth group). I opened the letter but only read it about an hour later cause my sis was asking me a maths question that she couldn't answer (PMR paper).

Interestingly, for the past two weeks or so I had been getting my priorities all screwed up. Homework was at the bottom while getting my BitTorrent to work was top. I must've spent like countless hours on my PC trying to fix one thing after another. Somehow, my PC never works the way it should, giving me errors that are often too embarrassing to even mention. One thing is that I'm very arrogant when it comes to things like this. If I couldn't get something to work, I'll hopelessly spend all my time until I either get it to work or I have no more time left. Which explains why I dislike maths, problems I can't solve really bug me to no end....

But back to the matter, I was really feeling down in the dumps because I messed up my time management. (WHY?!?!?! WHY WON'T YOU WORK PROPERLY FOR ONCE YOU LOUSY PIECE OF SILICON!!!!) I had realised that I spent so much on the computer that I was suddenly 'too busy' for God. "Oh no, it's too late too read the Bible. Oh well..." And then the letter came, and as I read the letter I was yet again surprised, and amazed at how God decided to take such a long route to answer my prayers. The letter contained a lot of prayer items for the missionary workers that toil and labour everyday over at India. Halfway through the letter, a prayer was inserted. It read like this:


Forgive me, Lord, that I allow
My days and hours to be
So filled with trifling tasks, that oft
I find no time for Thee,

My thoughts are so oft occupied
With countless earthly things,
When Thou wouldst have them mount on High
By faith with eagle wings.

So many duties round me press,
That rob me of the time
I fain would spend with Thee, my Lord,
In fellowship divine.

Too busy - O forbid, dear Lord,
That I should ever be
Too much engrossed in worldly tasks
To spend an hour with Thee!

That I should let the din of life
Drown out Thy voice of love,
And, groveling in the "sands of time"
Lose out on things above.

O help me, Lord, to take the time -
To set all else aside,
That in the Secret Place of prayer,
I may with thee abide;

To hear what thou wouldst say to me,
And hold communion sweet;
To praise Thy precious worthy Name
And worship at Thy feet;

To hearken to Thy holy will,
To feel Thy cleansing pow'r -
O may I ne'er let aught deprive
My soul of this blest hour!

It couldn't have been at a better time. It's truly amazing how circumstances and situations can be used to God's advantage. I never thought that the answer to my prayers would come from India! But as it stands, I owe God a lot of quiet time. And I'm afraid that if I keep telling God I have "no time", God would say the same thing when I finally meet Him. I guess I'd just end this post with this line: Do not limit God according to your own expectations, God does things in ways that we as humans would never ever have imagined (^.^)v ." Cheers!


johnleewenyi said...

i got that letter too!!!!

Kee Ken said...

Is it? How come leh :D