Okay, so I'd be the first to admit that I don't really have any real blogging material to serve you guys. Nothing remotely intellectual or reflective enough that would make you adjust yourselves in your seats and put your fingers to your chin pondering about the wisdom that you've gleaned from what I've written (not like that's what really happens anyway but ;D). Still, I just thought I ought to make use of the free time I have on my hands to blabber about something, in the spirit of 'making my views as a youth count' kind of thing...
Some of the 'you knows' that I came up with a little while back :
YOU KNOW you have too much time on your hands when you have to visit a friend who lives nearby whom you had not even thought about disturbing before this for the lack of time. Thanks Simon for entertaining me the other day xD
That's Simon in his house looking at a photo of..well, not Ann Sue definitely. Nah-ah xD
YOU KNOW you have too much time on your hands when you decide to return the favor of the friend who had visited you earlier by dropping by at his/her home a few days later. Thanks for entertaining me again today Simon, and this time in the comfort of my house :D
And here's Simon at MY house. He came with a mission in mind. Well, he HAD one. Until I decided that we should be playing a horror game instead xD
YOU KNOW you had been squandering your Sundays (or any other day for that matter) when you suddenly realise that your Sunday (or any other day for that matter) had been spent doing something that's actually quite useful and
practical, like learning how to wrap those Chinese dumplings that usually crop up around this time of the year.
Not quite Hell's Kitchen, but it was loads of fun trying to make dumplings that actually look the part. My workmanship was poor to say the least, what with all the anorexic dumplings that needed emergency reconstructive surgery to make sure that they didn't turn out to be square or something. Thank you Crissy for the educational and wonderfully spent Sunday (^.^)
YOU KNOW you are actually wasting your time trying to study and get a good education and hopefully get a good job with a good income when the 'secret' or in this case 'rahsia' to financial independence is really just a flyer away :D
No comments necessary.YOU KNOW someone is really committed to buying something when it involves long and hefty discussions bordering on the level of doing thesis papers on engineering breakthroughs.
That, up there, is the face of commitment and dedication to perfection. Not just doing homework mind you, but writing down notebook specifications to compare and to converse in elaborate jargons. Trust me when I say that's hard work ;D
YOU KNOW your Form Five days are more or less long gone when you have not really seen or kept in touch with 90% of the people in your Form Five class in the last year or two. Where are you guys??
The ones who 'glow' are the ones whom I had at least seen or talked to last year. Not many, I know.
YOU KNOW that the whole fuss about youths 'always having something to say about everything under the sun and that they're not being taken seriously' thing is overplayed and exaggerated at times when some people would put themselves as being more.... 'correct', so to speak in their views than the 'adults' who are often labeled as crooked or old-fashioned or having narrow perspectives. I'm one of these people, and I think it's about time that I put more thought into my.. thoughts before trying to pass off my mere opinions as bold and revolutionary statements that demand the utmost attention and compliance of the immediate world around me.
Okay, 'nuff said.
hey...thats ur darling shaun!!! looks like he is so focused huh??? wah, went and makan didnt ajak me la...hmpff...
Aiyou, look who visited and commented! Where have you been all these while leh? I've not heard from you for ages. Heck, I could've sworn you had moved to Holland or something without telling me and Lee, haha :D
Where got tak ajak wor, didn't know ma. What are you busy with leh now? IMU?
hey, i do frequent ur blog k..just that someone doesnt update it that often ni.. holland???!!! go there for wat la.. yeah, im in IMU, still having orientation and stuff...
aduh, call ler ma..takan that expensive to even give me a call..one minute also canot meh...
Haha, like I said I was under the impression that you had moved overseas or something, so where got think of calling you? :D I was away for the month of January ma, not that I never update xD
Yea la, next time going out call you ler. But where are you staying now? Near IMU? You got a car to drive around? If got then you can bring us all out la, haha.
la, try la to call me..no harm done wat.. heck no car here la..use kaki only. wana find me? go to imu in bukit jalil. im staying in vista C. its very near to imu, actually vista b much nearer la. much easier use star lrt go to the last station, sri petaling station.
so planning to go which uni? oh, and wat course?
I can tell you which uni and which course I'm not going to lah: IMU and medicine xD
Other than that, I can't say for sure yet. I'm still in my holiday mood, despite actually starting to get sick of my free days...
Ah ha, last station of star lrt. Right. Would have to mark out a whole entire day for the journey, haha :D Well, you free anytime soon? Maybe can plan something with shaun or lee or whoever is as free as me.
Kay la, will try to call you sometime. Have to top up my Happy Prepaid first, heh.
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